[vtq_headlines vtq_title=”Effortless Bill Splitting” vtq_subtitle=”Save time and reduce stress”]
dual screen pos, split bill screen
[vtq_service_box vtq_style=”style-4″ vtq_title=”Effortless Bill Splitting” vtq_icon=”fa fa-arrows”]Split payment by item or number of customers, allowing full flexibility and a stress-free experience for all.[/vtq_service_box]
[vtq_service_box vtq_style=”style-4″ vtq_title=”QR Code” vtq_icon=”glyphicon glyphicon-qrcode”]The QR code on the bottom of receipts allows customers to scan and sort out items for payment, without waiting for the server to bring their bill. The QR reader allows pre-paid vouchers to be redeemed instantly.

[vtq_service_box vtq_style=”style-4″ vtq_title=”Mobile Payments” vtq_icon=”oslo-icon-device4″]

Streamline the payment process, allow customers to pay table-side using the smart PDQ (coming soon). Customers can also pay directly through the StreetAway app, providing a faultless experience.

[vtq_service_box vtq_style=”style-4″ vtq_title=”Hassle-Free” vtq_icon=”oslo-icon-light88″]

Ever had a huge table of customers all wanting to pay separately? With Spark, each customer can select which items to pay for using the customer facing screen, reducing hassle for servers and saving unnecessary frustrations.
